Thursday, July 19, 2007 @ 10:45 AM
"drawing near" by john bevere
true worship...
like what many of you might have heard a thousand and one time.. worship is not just slow song.. what is true worship then??
worship is a lifestyle.
true worship is our total obedience to God.
read carefully, and read it ten times again and slowly.
true worship is our total obedience to God.
did you see it?? true worship is not when we come before God when everything in your life is great and you are singing a song. true worship doesnt occur only when u r perfect. true worship doesnt occur only when we dont sin. true worship is when we are totally obedient to God. you might have sinned, but true worship still sets in as long as you are willing to do what is right after what you have done wrong. and you know, God responds to only true worship.